Tuesday 26 February 2013

Camper Jam 2013

Well the location and dates have been set for this years VW Camper Jam.  I missed last year AND the year before.  Not going to miss this year.  I'll probably hit it on my way back from Seattle.  Wow thats a lot of miles on the old bus.  Hopefully she'll hold up.  If you are at all interested and want to check out the page, here is the link to the Facebook page that was created for it. 


Other than looking forward to the road tirp this year, I'm jsut stitting here looking out the window wishing the snow would melt ;so I can take out the Bus.  I did manage to finally get my copy of The Bus movie but haven't had time to watch yet.  Hopefully I'll get to it next weekend. 

I did pick up one of these for my camping adventures this year


I tended to get frustrated last year as I would use up all the small bits of wood for the initial fire, then be left with nothing to light subsequent fires.  Not this year though.  This little device will help me split all the kindling I need.  Fun times ahead. 

That's it for this update.  In the meantime, think warm thoughts so the snow will melt and i can get out in the bus.